Theme of the Week- Insects
In Science we learn about insects. I thought it would be fun for us to focus on insects this week and relate it to our reading, writing, and math. Have fun learning about insects and exploring insects around your yard.
Reading Challenge: Listen to this fun story about a bear and a bee and then answer the questions.
Please- Please the Bees
- After listening to the story complete the sheet. Post the sheet on Class Dojo or Email when complete.
Please-please the Bees Sheet
- This week we will be exploring insects. Watch the videos to learn more about the characteristics of insects.Insect video:
Happy Learning Insects
Inspect an Insect
- Then go on an insect hunt to find insects in your yard. Fill out the sheet and post to Class Dojo or Email.
Insect Hunt Sheet
2. Research – You are to choose an insect you want to learn more about. Then go to these research websites and investigate your insect.
National Geographic Insects
Science Kids Insects
- Fill out the research sheet and post on Class Dojo when complete.
Insect Research sheet
3. Math – insect measurement. Cut out the insects and measure different things around the house. Record your answers on the sheet. Post on Class Dojo or Email when complete.
Insect Measurement
4. Watch the video on graphing.
Bar Graphs
Graph an insect. Complete the sheet and post on Class Dojo or Email when complete.
Insect Graph
5. Insect symmetry art
- You will need paper, and a dark crayon
- Follow the instructions on the video. You can make any insect you want. She paints her insect at the end, but you can colour with crayons, pencil crayons or markers. What ever you choose. Have Fun! Please post on Class Dojo or email when finished.
Symmetry Art Video