Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

April 20 -24

Week of April 20th-24th

Choice Board

This week we have a choice board. Each day pick from the Reading, Math, and Activity boxes. You can do the same thing everyday in the Reading and Math if you wish or change it up. In the activity area, complete all the activities by the end of the week.


  • Go to Raz Kids and read for 20 Minutes.
  • Read an actual book from home or an online book.
  • Go to Bookflix and read. Link is on the website.


  • Complete a math addition sheet from your booklet
  • Go onto Mathletics and work on numbers to 30 and numbers to 100
  • Go to the numeracy page on my website and play addition and subtraction games.


  1. Listen to the shape book and 3-D songs:

Captain Invincible Book

3-D Shape Song

3-D Shape Song For Kids

2.  Draw a 3-D shape and make it into a superhero. Write a story about his/her adventures. See the example and story plan.

Example and Story Plan

  • I would work on the drawing and plan on one day, and writing the story on another day

          3.  Complete the 3-D shape walk around the house

Shape Walk

        4.  Make these 3-D shapes at home; cube, cone, cylinder, pyramid, and sphere. You can use play dough, toothpicks and marshmallows, print pattern, or be creative and use materials found around the house. See Examples.

Make 3-D Shapes