Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

June 15-19

Week on June 15-19

Theme of the Week: Father's Day

This is our last week of Assignments before the end of the school year. Thank you for all of the work you have completed. Take time to enjoy your Dad this week. 

Reading: You Choose

Math: You Choose

1.  Think about how special your dad is and then fill out this sheet to give to your Dad on Father’s Day. Submit to Class Dojo or email when complete.

My Dad Sheet

2.  Art Project: Think about what your dad likes. You can choose one or more of these directed draws for him. You can make a superhero dad, a trophy for him, a fisherman, a golfer, or donuts. You could also search and find another idea that fits your dad.Submit to Class Dojo or email when complete.

Super Dad:


Dad Trophy:


Dad Fisherman:


Dad Golfer:


Donuts for Dad:


  3. This is our last week of instruction before the summer. In our small and crawling animals, we learn about annelids and molluscs. A type of annilid is a worm and mulluscs are snails and slugs. Here are some videos about these animals.





Worm for a day:

I always bring in worms as pets for a day in the classroom. Go on a worm hunt and see if you can dig up a worm in your garden or yard. Take some time to examine the worm and answer the questions on the sheet. Submit to Class Dojo or email when complete.

Worm Sheet


Here is a fun craft to make a snail of your own:

Snail Craft



   4.  Writing:

I have been emailing and sharing Jokes with you. Now it is your turn. Make your own Joke book. Choose your favourite jokes or look some up online and create a book full of jokes. Submit to Class Dojo or email when complete.


  5.  Family Game Time: Choose a board game, card game, or dice game for your family to play. Post a picture to Class Dojo or Email while playing the game. Games are an excellent way for you to continue to work on your math skills over the summer and have fun with your family!