Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

May 11-15

Weekly Assignments

Theme of the Week- Boats

This week we are tying in our Science boats and buoyancy unit with our literacy and numeracy. In grade 2 we study and build boats. This ties in with mass in math and lots of fun reading,poetry and writing in literacy. You even get the chance to make your own boat! I hope you have fun and enjoy the activities this week!

New Reading Work Work Activity You can Choose:

Set a timer for 5 minutes and choose one word family each day. Write down as many words as you can think of in the word family.

                   Monday         Tuesday         Wednesday         Thursday          Friday

                        -at                -op                 -in                         -eep                -oat

Example:      hat                hop                 tin                         sheep               goat

Reading: Your choice

  • Go to Raz Kids and read for 20 Minutes.
  • Read an actual book from home or an online book.
  • Go to an online library and check out an online book.
  • Go to Bookflix and read. Click on the Link on the website. Click on the bookflix link by the lock.
  • https://generalstewart2.weebly.com/literacy.html

New Math Activity You Can Choose:

Tic Tac Toe Make Ten: Make a tic tac toe grid. Roll the dice and put the number on a space in the grid. Then partner rolls and puts in the grid. The goal is to make 10 in a row to win. I have attached the instructions on you tube. I have also attached a link to online dice if you want to use it.

Tic Tac Tens

Online Dice Roller

Math: Your Choice


During the month of May we tie in Science and Math for our boats and buoyancy units.

  1. Here is a fun story for you to read!

Who Sank the Boat

  1. Buoyancy is how well an object floats. Watch these videos on how Buoyancy works:

Buoyancy: What Makes Something Float or Sink?

How Do Ships Float?

  1. Your activity for the week is make a boat out of found materials around your house. You could use milk containers, cereal boxes, tin foil, plastic containers, look through your recycling to see what you could use.
  • Once you make the boat test it in water to see if it floats. Take a picture of your floating boat and submit to Class Dojo or Email.
  • Then find objects to put into the boat and see how much the boat will hold before it sinks. This could be coins, rocks, Lego, etc. Record results on sheet and submit to Class Dojo or Email.

Boat Sheet

  1. Poem – Shape poem – Boats

For our poem this week we are looking at shape poems. Shape poems write the words of a poem in the shape of the topic. Click on the link to see other shape poems.

Shape Poems:

Poetry for Kids

DK Poems

Imagine Forest

Use the template or make one of your own to write a poem about boats. Post on Class Dojo or Email when complete.

Boat Templates

Steps to writing a shape poem:

  1. Brainstorm things you know about boats.
  2. Organize your thoughts into groups based on your knowledge.
  3. Decide if you want the poem to be about facts or the telling of an adventure.
  4. Write your poem on paper.
  5. Rewrite your poem in the shape of a boat.

            5.  Interest Writing.

  • Choose something that interests you. It could be a sport, toy, activity, or game. Think about why that interests you and write about all the things you know about your interest.  When complete send to me in Class Dojo or Email.


  •  Here is a fun video about sink and float from Magic School Bus called, Ups and Downs.